Shah Rukh Khan once said he is the last of the stars, reflecting on his immense popularity and fan following in Bollywood. He has become a symbol of success in the film industry. In an interesting twist, instead of releasing his own biography, Shah Rukh Khan’s look-alike, Raju Rahikwarwill be releasing his biography in December 2024.
Raju’s biography will mark a first in cinema history, as it will be the first time a star’s look-alike has released their own biography. The book will chronicle Raju’s life journey, detailing his struggles and experiences in Mumbai and the entertainment industry as he navigated his path to fame, all while resembling Bollywood icon Shah Rukh Khan.
The biography, titled Shah Rukh Banna Aasan Nahidetails the life of Raju Rahikwar, a Shah Rukh Khan look-alike. The book explores the challenges he faced in the entertainment industry and his struggles in Mumbai, despite having a similar face to one of India’s most beloved stars. The tagline of the book highlights a poignant reality: “Two people have similar faces but don’t have similar fates.” This reflects Raju’s unique journey and the challenges of living in the shadow of someone so famous.
Raju, like SRKhad a humble start in life. He faced many hardships, including living without meals, sleeping on the streets, and surviving on just half a vada pav to chase his dreams. The biography will delve into Raju Rahikwar’s experiences of battling the challenges in Mumbai, the city of dreams. Initially, he hoped his striking resemblance to Shah Rukh Khan would open doors for him, but he soon realized that the film industry had more to offer than just looks.
Over time, Rahikwar learned that success in the industry is not just about appearance, but about unparalleled talent, dedication, and charisma.
Meanwhile, SRK was last seen in Raj Kumar Hirani's Dunki, co-starring Taapsee Pannuand will next be seen in Sujoy Ghosh‘s King, where he will share the screen space with his daughter Suhana Khan for the first time.